Acne Causes, Treatment, And Tips

Acne Causes, Treatment, And Tips

It's small, pesky, and often difficult to get rid of. It can last for weeks, months, or years, only to be cleared up in a matter of days.

No, we're not describing a termite infestation or an infectious disease.

It's acne.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that occurs when pores become filled with bacteria, oil, dead skin cells or dirt. When pores become clogged, the clogged area can become infected and blister over, creating acne. Research suggests that more than 9% of people on earth deal with some form of acne on their skin and while this acne does not pose a direct health danger, it can be annoying and difficult to get rid of.

In the following in-depth article, we discuss acne causes, acne treatment, and tips to get rid of acne and clear up your skin.

Common Causes Of Acne

Acne is largely a hormonal condition caused by changes in androgen hormones, which become more active during teenage and young adult years. Increased sensitivity to these hormones, in addition to exposure to dirt and certain foods, can result in an increase in acne in certain individuals. The following are the most common causes of acne:

  • Fluctuating hormone levels
  • Dirt and foreign substances
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Tight clothing or headgear
  • Greasy, sugary, and fatty foods

Other Possible Acne Triggers

Some studies suggest that genetic factors can increase the risk of developing acne. These causes may include the following:

  • Medications that contain androgen and lithium
  • Greasy cosmetic products
  • Hormonal changes
  • Emotional stress
  • Menstruation

Foods That May Cause Acne

The appearance of acne is strongly associated with a fat and sugar-filled Western diet that has become more popular in recent years. As fast food chains have exploded in popularity across the country and world, the average diet has ballooned with foods high in calories, saturated fats, and sugar. The following paragraphs will review a few foods known to promote inflammation and cause acne. We will also answer questions such as does chocolate cause acne.

1. Refined Sugars And Carbs

Multiple studies show that people who eat more refined carbohydrates that the daily recommended value are more than twice as likely to develop acne than those who keep a healthy carb intake. The increased risk of acne associated with acne may be attributed to the effects carbohydrates and sugars have on blood sugar levels.

Refined carbohydrates are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, leaving the body little time to properly process them. This causes blood sugar levels to rise, so the body produces insulin in response.

This increase in insulin helps keep blood sugar down, but it is not good for those with acne.

Insulin increases the activity of androgen hormones which make skin cells grow more quickly. As skin cells grow faster than they are supposed to, excess skin is created and acne begins to form.

Does Chocolate Cause Acne ?

Despite containing high levels of sugar and fat, two components known to contribute to acne, chocolate has not been directly linked to acne production. There are no studies linking this sweet treat to the development of acne. That means that eating an occasional chocolate bar, or two or three, will not cause acne. On the other hand, cutting chocolate out of your diet completely won't clear up a case of acne.

2. Foods High In Omega-6 Fats 

Diets containing high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids have been linked to an increased risk of developing acne around the face and shoulders. This may be attributed to a nutrient imbalance caused by the interaction between these omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 acids already present in the body. Many Western diets are particularly high in omega-6 fatty acids, especially in the corn and corn oil products prevalent in many dishes.

3. Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein powder is a common dietary supplement used by individuals looking to gain muscle and maintain their health. Although it contains numerous muscle-building benefits, its consumption has been linked to increased acne production in athletes.

Multiple case studies have examined the relationship between protein powder and acne. Results showed that individuals who consumed more protein powder than the recommended serving size were significantly more likely to develop acne than those who did not use the powder at all.

4. Dairy Products 

Dairy is one of the most common food groups around, and for good reason. Dairy products are high in protein, calcium, and healthy fats, all of which work to help promote bone health and overall wellbeing. However, many dairy products, such as milk, do have high levels of sugar which have been linked to increased insulin production and acne. Overall, if you currently have acne, you probably don't need to completely refrain from dairy, but limiting your intake may be a smart move.

Does Vaping Cause Acne?

Vaping has been linked to an increase in acne. In recent years, vaping become the most popular way for young people to consume tobacco; studies show that more than 20% of teenagers use vapes regularly. While many people believe that vaping is a safe alternative to cigarettes, it does present a number of health complications, including increased acne production.

Vapes work by heating a liquid mixture of nicotine which then turns into vapor before it is inhaled by the user. Many vape liquids contain propylene glycol, a chemical substance that can dry out your mouth and skin. When your skin becomes excessively dry, your immune system works to produce oil, which can often result in acne formation.

Does Creatine Cause Acne?

Like whey protein, creatine is a supplement often used by bodybuilders and individuals looking to build muscle. This link has led some to believe that creatine, like whey protein, causes acne when used in excessive amounts. There is, however, no data that suggests that creatine consumption causes acne.

Collagen And Acne

Contrary to what some believe, collagen is actually much more beneficial to skin health than detrimental. Collagen, especially the marine variety, can do wonders for your skin by reducing aging effects and promoting skin elasticity.

How Is Acne Treated?

Various medications and therapies have proven to be effective in the treatment of acne. These medications usually target the underlying factors that contribute to acne, including skin conditions, infection, and clogged pores. Depending on your condition, you may require multiple acne treatments to effectively reduce spots and scarring.

Your healthcare provider may suggest some non-prescription medications for your condition. Depending on the condition’s severity, your age, the type of acne you have and how effective the over-the-counter remedies have been, you may need stronger prescription medications.

Tips For Reducing Acne

Most acne medications work best when used alongside a proper home acne treatment protocol. While medication can be effectively, it should only be taken at its recommended dosages and times. This leaves ample time in between doses for other forms of treatment, such as cleansing and moisturizing protocols. Read on to learn about a few helpful home remedies for acne.

Moisturize The Affected Area

Many acne products contain elements that dry out skin after they are used. To prevent further damage, it is important to moisturize areas affected by acne, even if you are already using an acne treatment option on that area.

Use Less Makeup

During an acne breakout, refrain from using makeup, foundation, or blush of any kind. Applying these products onto your acne can worsen your condition and create scarring.

Stay Out Of The Sun

Sunlight and its ultraviolet rays are known acne triggers that can cause harmful damage to the skin and its cells. Some acne medications can also make your skin mores sensitive to sunlight, which can increase your chances of developing a sunburn or rash. To help prevent sunburn, limit your time in the sun and wear protective clothing, such as a broad brimmed hat or long-sleeved shirts or pants.

Exercise Daily

Regular exercise is beneficial for your whole body, including your skin. When you exercise, be sure to avoid wearing excessively tight clothing. These garments can rub on the skin and worsen acne pimples and pores.

Other Acne Therapies

If you have a moderate to severe case of acne, your healthcare provider may recommend a less common form of treatment. While these treatments are somewhat uncommon, they are safe and effective when combined with other, more prevalent, treatment options.


Steroids are used in extremely rare cases in which acne will not go away and the body needs a more forceful agent to reduce scarring and other negative side effects.

Laser Acne Treatment

Currently, laser acne treatment is primarily used to treat acne scars. The process involves a laser which delivers heat to the scarred collagen under the skin. After collagen has been scarred, the body's wound healing response works to create new, healthy collagen. This encourages the growth of new skin to replace it. There are two different types of laser resurfacing—ablative and non-ablative. Your dermatologist will determine which type is best for your skin type and acne.


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that occurs when pores become filled with bacteria, oil, dead skin cells or dirt. When pores become clogged, the clogged area can become infected and blister over, creating acne. Research suggests that more than 9% of people on earth deal with some form of acne on their skin and while this acne does not pose a direct health danger, it can be annoying and difficult to get rid of.

Acne Causes, Treatment, And Tips Summary

A few of the most common acne treatment options include:

  • Exercise
  • Topical creams
  • Dietary improvements
  • Prescription medications such as tretonin

For more severe cases of acne, treatments may include:

  • Steroids
  • Laser acne therapy

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