Best And Worst Foods For Acid Reflux 

Best And Worst Foods For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common condition in which stomach contents rise up and enter the esophagus, resulting in heartburn, throat complications, and other unwanted side effects. Certain foods are known to worsen acid reflux, while others have been found to improve it by reducing stomach acidity. In the following article, we list and discuss the 10 best foods for acid reflux and the 10 worst foods for acid reflux. 

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a chronic condition characterized by stomach contents rising up into the esophagus. This can result in negative side effects, including heartburn and indigestion. Acid reflux is often caused by a faulty lower esophageal sphincter, a ring-shaped muscle that controls what enters and exits the esophagus. 

Best Foods For Acid Reflux

The esophagus helps transport and processes all food and liquid. Diet can have a considerable effect on acid reflux symptoms. The following foods have been shown to be helpful in preventing and alleviating symptoms of acid reflux. 

  • Vegetables

Vegetables such as asparagus, cucumber, cauliflower, green beans, and broccoli may be helpful in reducing acid reflux. 

  • Foods With High Water Content

Foods that carry large amounts of water, such as watermelon, celery, and lettuce can help dilute and weaken stomach acid. Many of these foods are also high in magnesium, which has been proven to neutralize acid secretion in the stomach. 

  • Ginger

Ginger contains natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemicals. Some studies have shown ginger to also relieve nausea and other symptoms brought on by acid reflux. 

  • Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains high amounts of soluble fiber, which work to prevent heartburn and decrease stomach acidity. 

  • Brown Rice 

Brown rice is high in fiber, helping to absorb stomach acid and mitigate the symptoms of acid reflux. Furthermore, brown rice is a complex carbohydrate, making it a fantastic addition to your general diet. 

  • Fennel

Fennel is a flowering plant species that has become a popular food choice in recent years. It has a mild flavor and low acidity, making it a great dietary option for those looking to alleviate acid reflux and heartburn. 

  • Bananas

Bananas are especially useful in preventing acid reflux because they contain high amounts of pectin, a soluble fiber that aids in digestion. They are also rich in potassium, which works to solidify the stomach lining. 

  • Egg Whites

Egg whites are lean, high-protein breakfast options known to decrease stomach acidity and fortify the stomach lining. Egg yolks, however, have been found to contribute to acid reflux due to their high fat content. 

Worst Foods For Acid Reflux

Some foods, particularly those high in salt, sugar, and fat may exacerbate acid reflux by increasing the acidity of stomach acid. Others, such as spicy salsas, can further irritate the esophagus. It is advisable to stay away from the following foods if you are suffering from acid reflux. 

  • Chocolate

Chocolate contains sugar, caffeine, and multiple plant chemicals that can irritate the esophagus and surrounding areas. In addition, multiple chemicals in cocoa work to relax the LES, which can make acid reflux exponentially worse. 

  • Peppermint

Although praised for its ability to soothe an upset stomach, peppermint does actually not help with acid reflux. On the contrary, the acidity and spice in peppermint can irritate the esophagus and the LES. 

  • Garlic

When consumed in large amounts, raw garlic has been found to significantly worsen acid reflux. Multiple studies have found that people who consistently eat garlic are more likely to develop acid reflux or GERD. 

  • Onions

Raw onions stimulate acid production, worsening acid reflux. A recent study found that eating a meal containing onion or onion powder significantly increased the severity of acid reflux and heartburn in study participants. 

  • Fatty Foods

Foods high in fat relax the LES, making it easier for stomach contents to rise back up into the esophagus and mouth. Many of these foods are also difficult to digits and sit for long periods in your stomach. When food lingers in the stomach, the body responds by producing excess stomach acid. 

  • Alcohol

Alcohol has been found to increase stomach acid in the following four ways:

  1. Keeping acid content in the stomach 
  2. Increasing the acidity of stomach acid. 
  3. Impairing the esophagus from keeping food down
  4. Decreasing the function of the LES. 
  • Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeine is a common heartburn trigger that increases the acidity of gastric secretion, a process stimulated by eating and the arrival of food in the stomach. Contrary to popular belief, all caffeinated drinks—including coffee, soda, tea and more—have been found to lead to acid reflux. 

  • Carbonated Drinks 

The carbonation in popular sodas and sparkling waters can make it difficult for the LES to keep stomach contents from rising into the esophagus. Furthermore, studies have shown that carbonated water and soda both contribute to acid reflux to the same extent. 

Best And Worst Foods For Acid Reflux : Summary 

Acid reflux is a chronic condition characterized by stomach contents rising up into the esophagus. In many cases, chronic acid reflux can lead to uncomfortable conditions such as heartburn and indigestion. A few foods that have been found to alleviate acid reflux include ginger, oatmeal, and bananas. Some of the worst foods for acid reflux include chocolate, garlic, onions, alcohol, and peppermint. 

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