How To Fall Asleep Fast: 11 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep

How To Fall Asleep Fast: 11 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is a vital but often neglected contributor to overall health and well being. Medical professionals recommend adults get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, but studies have found that over half of Americans fail to consistently reach this number. Inadequate sleep can increase your risk for disease, heart attack, stroke, obesity, and high blood pressure. Falling asleep is a different experience for everyone. Some fall asleep within minutes of hitting their mattress, while others stay up for hours trying to get some rest. Fortunately, there are proven steps you can take to help ensure an undisturbed, refreshing night of rest. The following are 12 tips for a better night’s sleep. 

Why Is Sleep Important?

Sleep is essential to mental and physical health, allowing your body to recharge and reset after long periods of activity. Adequate sleep also helps the body ward off disease and prevent infection. Scientists have pondered the question why sleep is important for years, but have failed to find a conclusive answer. It is clear, however, that a lack of sleep can increase the risk of infection, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Without enough sleep, the brain functions suboptimally, making activities which require motor function and significant thinking quite difficult. 

Benefits of Sleep 

Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality, undisturbed sleep every night in order to function during the next day. Sleeping for at least 7 hours has been shown to have numerous benefits including boosting the immune system, fighting off weight gain, improving mood and productivity, and boosting memory. However, getting enough sleep doesn’t always guarantee alertness and rejuvenation. The quality of sleep one gets is also important. To ensure quality sleep, experts recommend one should avoid technology, bright lights, and caffeine before bed. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, in which you fall asleep and awake at roughly the same time, has also proven beneficial. 

Why Can't I Fall Asleep Fast? 

There are many reasons for which you may find it difficult to fall asleep fast. The most common include the following:

  • Stress
  • An excessively hot or cold bedroom
  • Worry 
  • Insomnia

11 Tips To Fall Asleep Fast

From taking an evening stroll to meditation and relaxation techniques, here are 12 practical tips you can implement into your nightly routine to ensure a better night’s rest. 

  1. Take A Walk

If you can’t fall asleep, moving around can help your body tire itself out. You can try walking slowly around your kitchen or living room. After about 10-15 minutes of walking, move back to your bedroom and try to fall asleep again. 

  1. Try to Stay Awake

Although it may seem counterintuitive, deliberately trying to stay awake can actually make you fall asleep faster! This is a reputable technique called paradoxical insomnia. Multiple studies have found that insomnia can cause anxiety which only further exacerbates the problem. To practice paradoxical insomnia, first lie down in beds with the lights off. You should then partake in distracting activities during which you will eventually become tired and fall asleep. 

  1. Turn Off Electronics

Browsing the internet or social media before bed can seem an attractive way to wind down and get ready to sleep. However, the blue light that technological devices emit has actually been shown to negatively impact sleep quality. Instead, try turning off all electronics—including cell phones, television, and laptop computers—at least an hour before bed. If you find yourself bored, try reading a book, listening to music, or writing with pen and paper. 

  1. Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is a relaxation method developed by German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz. It involves repeating a series of calming statements in an effort to relax and prepare the body for sleep. The steps for autogenic training are as follows:

  1. Lay down and focus on your breath. Say to yourself: “I am completely calm.”
  2. Bring your focus to your arms and repeat the phrase: “My arms are very heavy. I am completely calm.”
  3. Repeat this step for different parts of your body, including your legs, feet, forehead, and abdomen.
  4. When you start to feel relaxed, shift your focus to your entire body.
  5. Repeat the above steps until you fall asleep. 

5. Take A Warm Bath Or Shower

Warm water from a bath or shower stimulates blood flow to the extremities, producing a warm, soothing sensation across the entire body. An analysis of 17 different studies found that taking a warm bath or shower of between 104 and 108 degrees Fahrenheit can significantly improve sleep quality.

6. Avoid Caffeine Before Sleeping

Caffeine is a stimulant which increases activity in the brain and nervous system. This can delay the timing of your natural body clock, making it difficult to fall asleep on time. Experts recommend that you stop consuming caffeine six hours before you plan to fall asleep. 

7. Keep The Room Cool

While you might be tempted to snuggle up under the warm covers in your bed, it is actually better to sleep in a cooler environment. This is because your internal temperature drops by as much as 3 degrees Fahrenheit every night. The ideal temperature for sleeping is thought to be between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. 

8. Dim The Lights Before Bed 

Dimming the lights before bed can help your brain and eyes adjust to get ready to sleep. You sleep better in the dark because the pineal gland in the brain initiates the production of melatonin during darkness. Melatonin helps time circadian rhythms and keep you asleep for an adequate amount of time. 

9. Exercise An Hour Before Bed

If you spend nights lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting to fall asleep, it could be a sign that you need more exercise during the day. Make sure to workout at least an hour before bed, otherwise your body might be too energized to fall asleep. 

10. Use A Weighted Blanket 

Weighted blankets are heavier blankets, usually weighing between 5 and 30 pounds, which exert a light pressure across your body. This helps to create a calming, snuggling effect on the body. The ideal weighted blanket should weigh about 10% of your total body weight to ensure it is safe to lie under for extended periods of time. 

11. Consider Sleeping Supplements 

If still you have trouble falling asleep despite using other techniques, you may want to consider supplementing your diet with natural sleep aids. Some sleep aids, such as melatonin, simply add on to existing amounts on the body. While others, such as valerian root, are outside sources used to treat insomnia. Popular sleep supplements include melatonin, valerian root, magnesium, passionflower, and glycine. 

Why Do Men Fall Asleep Fast? 

Men falling asleep faster than women can be attributed to hormonal differences. Unlike men, women's reproductive systems go through major changes which can impact sleep. Women may sleep differently during specific times of the month at which their hormone levels are different. 

How To Fall Asleep Fast Summary

A calm, undisturbed night of sleep is essential to overall wellbeing and health. It is recommended that adults get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Children may need as much as 12 hours of sleep per day to stay alert and active. 

There are many ways to improve the quality of your nightly rest. These include avoiding caffeine, turning off electronics before bed, and creating a bedtime routine. Changing your environment by turning down your thermostat or dimming the lights can also help you sleep better. 

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