Stop Smoking Treatment

Quit That Nicotine Habit!

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#1 Prescribed Medication, Bupropion
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FDA Approved Treatment
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Annual Cost
$25 one-time doctor consultation
Only $15 per month
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Why Is It So Hard To Quit Smoking?

Nicotine stimulates pleasure centers in the brain and is highly addictive. When nicotine is discontinued, the smoker will experience physical withdrawal symptoms, making the person want to start smoking again to stop the withdrawal symptoms. Each person experiences withdrawal from nicotine addiction a little differently. Switching from smoking cigarettes to vaping or any other nicotine delivery system such as patches or gums, never gets you away from the addictive nicotine. Since withdrawal side effects are a leading reason why people go back to smoking, you need to break the nicotine-withdrawal cycle.
Stop Smoking Treatment
Stop Smoking Treatment

About Bupropion

Buproprion is an oral tablet, prescription medication that is FDA approved to help patients quit smoking. Traditionally prescribed as an antidepressant, Buproprion helps those to quit smoking by reducing withdrawal symptoms. Evidence also shows that those who take Buproprion show less interest in smoking in general.

What To Expect

You begin taking Bupropion daily, 1 to 2 weeks before you quit smoking. This builds up the level of medicine in your body. You take Bupropion for up to 12 weeks after you stop using tobacco and you can take Buproprion for as long as 6 months to 1 year.

Side Effects of Bupropion

As with any prescription medication you may experience side effects while taking bupropion. The most commonly reported side effects can include headache, nervousness, dry mouth, and nausea. Be sure to talk to your doctor through our platform if you have any questions. 
Stop Smoking Treatment

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