Can Herpes Cause Other Health Problems?

Can Herpes Cause Other Health Problems?

As one of the most common health conditions in the United States, herpes has been linked to a plethora of other health conditions and diseases. Herpes is caused by infection from the herpes-simplex virus and may open lesions and bruises on the skin after infection. These bruises, otherwise known as cold sores, link herpes to a variety of health problems, including infertility, infection, and cancer. In the following article we answer the question: can herpes cause other health problems?

What Is Herpes?

Herpes is a sexually transmitted virus that produces sores on the genitals and mouth. Herpes is caused by infection from the herpes-simplex virus (HSV). More than half of Americans have oral herpes, and roughly one in six have genital herpes. While herpes can sometimes be painful, it does not usually cause major long term health problems.

There are two main types of herpes: oral herpes and genital herpes.

About Oral Herpes

Oral herpes is caused by infection from herpes-simplex virus type 1. It is often referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. Experts estimate that between 50 and 80 percent of adults in the United States have been infected with oral herpes, though most show no symptoms. Once infected, a person will live with oral herpes for the rest of their life. However, the virus may remain dormant for extended periods of time. Some people with oral herpes will never experience any noticeable symptoms. Others will have occasional outbreaks accompanied by mild physical symptoms.

About Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that can result in the appearance of cold sores around the rectum and on the buttocks, genitals, and thighs. It can be spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who carries the virus. Genital herpes is an incredibly prevalent infection.

Genital herpes enters the body through skin abrasions, thin openings of skin tissue on the body. Once it has entered the body, herpes-simplex virus 2 can reside in the body for the rest of a person’s life. Like oral herpes, genital herpes may be dormant at some times and more active at others.

Can Herpes Cause Cancer?

Herpes is not known to cause any type of cancer. Although herpes does directly cause cancer, genital herpes can increase the risk of developing cervical cancer in women. One study showed that, in nearly half of women with cervical cancer, some form of herpes-simplex virus was present.

Can Herpes Cause Infertility?

There is no evidence to suggest that herpes infection can impact biological fertility levels. Herpes may impact female fertility only in an indirect way. A herpes infection may reduce your ability to get pregnant by making it more difficult to have unprotected sex. During an active herpes outbreak, having unprotected sex is not recommended, as the virus could spread to your partner. The herpes virus and the cold sores it produces may also cause pain if you try to have sex while infected.

Can Herpes Cause Lower Abdominal Pain?

In some cases, genital herpes may bring about lower abdominal pain by opening blisters and cold sores in the region.

Can Herpes Cause A UTI?

Genital herpes has been associated with chronic symptoms of urinary tract infection, although it does not usually cause a UTI. Herpes may make urination painful, as studies show that up to 60% of people experience painful urination during their first herpes outbreak.

Can Herpes Cause Cervical Cancer?

Herpes does not cause cervical cancer, but it can increase the risk of developing cervical cancer. Genital herpes in particular may result in the appearance of cold sores around the genitals. If these sores begin to grow and blister, they may become infected and cancerous, which can in turn lead to cervical cancer.

Can Herpes Cause A Miscarriage?

Genital herpes won't increase your chances of having a miscarriage, but it can lead to other birth complications. If you are infected with genital herpes while you have a baby, the baby may be infected as well. This can cause a serious illness known as neonatal herpes.

Neonatal herpes can be very serious for young babies, whose immune systems are not yet strong enough to fight off significant infections. Neonatal herpes are more likely to affect very young babies, specifically those who are less than 3 months old.

Can Herpes Cause Other Health Problems? Summary

Herpes is caused by infection from the herpes-simplex virus and may open lesions and bruises on the skin after infection. These bruises, otherwise known as cold sores, link herpes to a variety of health problems, including infertility, infection, and cancer.

Herpes Treatment

The three most popular treatment options for herpes are the prescription medications acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir. A medical professional may also recommend you eat a diet rich in vitamins, nutrients, and soft foods during treatment. 

Valacyclovir is available at Cloud9 Healthcare today! Start your online visit by clicking here and, if eligible, you will receive your valacyclovir for herpes in 2-3 days.

Herpes Esophagitis (Herpes In Throat)

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